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4-H Youth Development

  • Apparel Design & Construction - The Apparel Design & Construction Project allows youth to gain the skills and knowledge needed to construct, re-purpose and modify clothing and accessories.
  • ATV - The 4-H ATV Project allows youth to gain knowledge about all terrain vehicles (ATV) including safe operation, proper equipment, environmental stewardship and maintenance.
  • Beef - The 4-H Beef Project allows youth to study and learn about all aspects of the beef industry.
  • Childcare - The 4-H Childcare Project allows youth to understand and appreciate how children grow and develop.
  • Civic Engagement - The Civic Engagement Project encourages and empowers young people to be actively engaged in local, county and state government.
  • Food Science - The Food Science Project allows youth to learn basic food preparation and preservation skills.
  • Horse - The Horse Project provides youth with opportunities to learn topics within the horse industry including horse care, management, nutrition, behavior, training and selection.
  • Leadership - The Leadership Project helps youth identify and understand roles, attitudes, tasks and functions of effective leadership.
  • Public Speaking - The Public Speaking Project allows youth the opportunity to express themselves through verbal communication.
  • Shooting Sports - 4-H Shooting Sports is a hands-on program using firearms and archery equipment to teach safety, respect and life skills while inspiring participation in lifelong recreational activities.
  • Swine - The 4-H Swine Project gives youth the opportunity to learn about all aspects of the swine industry.