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4-H Youth Development

Becoming an Ambassador

For over 30 years, outstanding 4-H members have been serving as State 4-H Ambassadors. Once again, the Oklahoma State 4-H Ambassador program is looking for self-motivated, enthusiastic youth leaders to promote the 4-H organization using the skills, knowledge and leadership abilities acquired in 4-H. Applications for State Ambassador are due March 15th. 


Any youth currently involved in Oklahoma 4-H who is 13 years of age or older by March 15th, 2025 and still has at least one year of high school remaining is eligible to apply. Once selected a State 4-H Ambassador, one may remain an Ambassador through the end of their 4-H career in accordance with the Oklahoma 4-H Rules and Guidelines, as long as the Ambassador is in good standing.


Being chosen as a State 4-H Ambassador entails the acceptance of great responsibility and a total commitment to the Oklahoma State 4-H Ambassador program. We need individuals who are not afraid of people or work.