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4-H Youth Development

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Welcome to the Intermediate Level of Picture Perfect YOUth! Enjoy the journey of personal growth as you explore the personal development project.  Let's get started!


Picture Perfect YOUth Intermediate Level Project Manual -- Print this manual for each member in the project group or if you plan to complete as an individual study project.


EVALUATION: Educators and volunteers are encouraged to use the Common Measures evaluation instrument to evaluate the Personal Development Project. Whether you are teaching Picture Perfect YOUth, Heritage Scrapbooking or Scrapbooking, this instrument will work! Common Measures Evaluations.


Tips on Using The Project Manual

  • Manuals are divided into four sections centered around the four H's -- Head, Heart, Hands and Health.
  • Some lessons have a section called "Developing the Picture" which is information about fair projects. Be sure to review this information and the activity associated with the fair project. Look for the blue ribbon!
  • Every lesson has a section called "Panoramic View." This information includes links to videos, websites or suggested activities youth can do to learn more about the topic covered in the lesson. Some suggestions are great leadership and citizenship opportunities youth can do in the area of personal development to help them grow their project work. Those items in the "Panoramic View" section are provided below to make it easier to access the links.


Check out the extended activity links and project activities below for each lesson in the Intermediate Project Manual.


Head: Managing and Thinking Lessons:


Goal Setting Tree

  • Read a book for teens on goal setting and other topics. Visit your local library, download, or purchase from a bookstore. Some titles to look for include:
    • Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris
    • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
    • The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make by Sean Covey
    • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Teens by Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
    • The Code: The Five Secrets of Teen Success by Mawi Asgedom
    • The Success Principles for Teens by Jack Canfield
    • What Color Is Your Parachute for Teens by Carol Christen and Richard N. Bolles


Study Skills for Success


Solutions for Problem Solving


Using Money Wisely


Heart: Relating and Caring Lessons:




Did You Hear What I Said?


More Than Me

  • Read the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. Think about how others did show or could have shown empathy to Alexander.
  • Write a thank you letter or card to someone who has shown compassion to you. Describe how you felt and why his or her kindness was so important to you.
  • Sesame Street segment explaining empathy.
  • CBS This Morning segment about 1st graders who sent empathy notes to a Vikings football player.


The People In Our Lives

  • Research older adults and discover contributions they mad to society during their later years. Examples to get you started include U.S. Presidents, Albert Einstein, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa.
  • Read the story of Elizabeth Layton to learn about her life and talent.
  • Celebrate Intergenerational Month in September. InterGenerationMonth


Hands: Giving and Working Lessons:


Teamwork: It's How You Look At It


Modeling Leadership

  • Leadership Lessons from the Dancing Guy - This video would be a good resource to show during the discussion of the Group Activity: The Model of Leadership.
  • Practice your leadership skills by leading a group in a teambuilding activity. Do a search on the Internet to find an activity.
  • Expand on the Leadership Banner activity and create a display to showcase your leadership skills, leadership opportunities and more. Exhibit the display at your county fair, school or other events.
  • Read the article from Harvard Business Review called Leadership Lessons from 10 Wildly Successful People. Look for qualities you admire in a leader.


Targeting Citizenship


Health: Living and Being Lessons:


Success Begins with me

  • Make a list of famous people you admire. Choose one from your list to research on the web to find positive articles or information to back up the reasons you admire them.
  • Find a quote about responsibility you like. Create a poster with the quote and place it in your room where you can be reminded of it daily.
  • Explore the blog, Youth Frontiers Character Movement, to learn more about character, morals, responsibility and more. Look at the list of "tags" on the right side and choose words like courage, character and respect.
  • Develop an educational display promoting a leadership opportunity you have had in 4-H. Showcase life skills you used to carry out your leadership duties. Incorporate pictures of you demonstrating your leadership.


I.D. Good Character

  • Review the list of character traits in the handout. Put a check mark beside positive character traits that help you to be a person of good character. Put an X next to character traits that are negative.
  • Showcasing Kindness. How can you show kindness to others and spread it?
  • Sequoia Middle School developed a video on the Six Pillars of Character. View it and think about ways you can promote the pillars.
  • This video called Got Character showcases movie clips demonstrating character traits.


Living Under Pressure


Cyber Space: Keep It Safe

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