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4-H Youth Development

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Welcome to the Advanced Level of Picture Perfect YOUth! Enjoy the journey of personal growth as you explore the personal development project. Let's get started!


Picture Perfect YOUth Advanced Level Project Manual -- Print this manual for each member in the project group or if you plan to complete as an individual study project.

EVALUATION: Educators and volunteers are encouraged to use the Common Measures Evaluation instrument to evaluate the Personal Development Project. Whether you are teaching Picture Perfect YOUth, Heritage Scrapbooking or Scrapbooking, this instrument will work!


Tips on Using The Project Manual

  • Manuals are divided into four sections centered around the four H's -- Head, Heart, Hands and Health.
  • Some lessons have a section called "Developing the Picture" which is information about fair projects. Be sure to review this information and the activity associated with the fair project. Look for the blue ribbon!
  • Every lesson has a section called "Panoramic View." This information includes links to videos, websites or suggested activities youth can do to learn more about the topic covered in the lesson. Some suggestions are great leadership and citizenship opportunities youth can do in the area of personal development to help them grow their project work. Those items in the "Panoramic View" section are provided below to make it easier to access the links.


Check out the extended activity links and project activities below for each lesson in the Advanced Project Manual.


Head: Managing and Thinking Lessons:


Never Stop Learning

  • Explore the blog post from about habits to cultivate lifelong learning.
  • Look for classes in your community you are interested in learning more about and enroll. Examples might be courses offered in adult education at a university or technology center such as photography, cake decorating, a painting or scrapbooking class, bowling lessons or any other skill or hobby you would like to develop.
  • Research learning styles. Find a learning style quiz or activity to teach to others.


Be SMART About Goals


Let's Get Organized!

  • Is your room and/or closet disorganized? Find three boxes or tubs and label them: Keep, Donate and Trash. Sort through all of your closet and/or contents in your room. Place items into the three boxes. Items you place in the trash box, take to the dumpster. Take items in the donate box to a local clothing closet or donation site. Organize your space and find a good place to put the items in your keep box.
  • Review the information on the KidsHealth website on organization skills.
  • Find a quote about organization you like. Place a written copy of the quote somewhere in your room where you will see it every day to remind you to continue to work on organization skills.


Heart: Relating and Caring Lessons:


May I Introduce Myself...


Communicating Well in Interviews


Keeping the Peace

  • View the YouTube video In The Mix: Conflict Resolution -- Thinking It Through developed by PBS.
  • Visit with your 4-H educator and review the Take A Stand 4-H curriculum focused on bulling prevention and education. Some lessons focus specifically on conflict resolution. Work in a youth/adult partnership to teach the curriculum to younger kids or your peers. There are lessons for K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 grades.
  • Develop a public speaking presentation or exhibit on conflict resolution and share with other teens through presentations at school, 4-H club meetings or other community events.


There's A Whole World Out There!

  • Check out the Heritage Scrapbook project manual in the Personal Development project. This activity will help you to discover more about your heritage and showcase it in a scrapbook.
  • Find a classmate you don't know well. Reach out to him or her and seek to learn more about their culture, customs and traditions. Sometimes we assume we will not have anything in common with someone who doesn't participate in the same activities as we do, but often there are more similarities than differences.
  • Teach activities from this publication, More Diversity Activities for Youth and Adults, to your peers.


Hands: Giving and Working Lessons


Teamwork: Towering to Success


My Leadership Compass

  • Drew Dudley video, Everyday Leadership -- this video brings to light the small things we do that may be an inspiration to others.


Making Your Mark!

  • Explore the website from Purdue University to learn more about writing a resume'.
  • View the YouTube video on Surviving Job Hunting and Resume' Building.
  • Create a video resume'. Prepare a presentation about your marketable skills and record it. Watch the video and critique yourself. Ask an adult to watch your video and provide constructive criticism. Work on improving your presentation skills and showcasing your talents.


I Pledge My Hands to Larger Service


Health: Living and Being Lessons


Got It Under Control

  • Watch the news segment on the re-created Marshmallow Experiment to learn more about this research.
  • Research movies that showcase self-discipline. Develop an exhibit highlighting those movies and how self-discipline was showcased. Here is a movie to get you started: The Karate Kid.
  • Explore the Internet and find a quote you like about self-discipline. Create a poster of the quote and place it in a location you will see it every day as a reminder to practice self-discipline.


A Person of Integrity

  • Develop a "Family Code of Ethics." Talk with your parents or guardians and siblings to determining the code of ethics everyone will follow. Create a poster and post it where all family members can see it. Hold one another accountable to follow the code of ethics.
  • Explore the Academy of Achievement website. Read or watch clips about famous artists, scientists, musicians, sports figures and business people. Look for examples of integrity in their story.
  • Design a bulletin board about integrity. Work with a teacher or 4-H educator to find a place where you can display the bulletin board.
  • Write a letter the person you admire the most. Tell them why you admire them and thank them for being a good role model for you.


D-Stress to Be Your Best!

  • Review the brochure, Teen Stress: Tips on Managing Daily Stress, published by the Massachusetts Medical Society Alliance.
  • View the video Teen Stress (Causes, Effects, Tips) created by a teen. Consider creating your own informational video with tips for teens on stress management.
  • Explore the KidsHealth website for teens on stress.
  • Download and read the document, A Teen's Personal Guide for Managing Stress, provided by
  • Develop and exhibit on teens and stress. Make a supply of stress balls using the instructions in this lesson. Set up the exhibit at a local business, county fair or other county 4-H event and hand out stress balls to those who visit your exhibit booth.


Destination: Safe

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