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4-H Youth Development

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The State 4-H Judging Contest will be held Saturday, October 29, 2022 on the campus of Oklahoma State University, with contest sign-in at Animal Science building; Room 123. Advanced registration is required for each contest.  Counties should complete registration and sign-off on registration form(s); submitting one county registration form per contest. 4-H members can compete as individuals and or team members. Medallions will be awarded to the top 3 teams and top 3 individuals in each judging contest.


Registration: Scan and email registration(s) to Gail Taylor at by October 20, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.


Please contact Cathy Allen with any questions.


Times of the Contests

9:00 a.m. | Horticulture Judging (Dr. Shelley Mitchell)     

10:30 a.m. | Crops Judging (Dr. Beatrix Haggard)

1:00 p.m.  | Consumer Decision Making (Cathy Allen)

1:30 p.m. | Entomology Identification (Dr. Andrine Shufran)


Contests Documents and Registration Sheets

  • Non-livestock Contest Guidelines Coming Soon








Consumer Decision Making

Do you consider yourself a shopper?  Even if you answer no to that question, you are probably still making important consumer purchasing decisions. As a consumer you make decisions of how to spend your time, money, and effort. What, why, where, when and how you are making purchases are all part of the consumer decision making experience.


In 4-H Consumer Decision Making members will learn: how to save money through comparing prices while shopping, testing for quality, and making purchases based on facts and research.


The 4-H Consumer Decision Making contest helps youth improve their money management skills, smart purchasing skills and decision-making skills for life.

Contest Rules:

  • This contest is open to all 4-H members. Participants may enter as an individual, team member or be considered as both. There is no limit to the number of teams and/or individuals that a county may enter.  Participants must pre-register in advance prior to registration deadline.
  • A Junior member may compete as a member of a Senior team, but a Senior may not compete on a Junior division team. Junior and Senior teams will consist of 3 or 4 members with the three highest scores being retained for scoring purposes.
  • The winning Consumer Judging Senior Team will be eligible to compete at the Denver Western Roundup in January of the following year.  EVERY member of the Senior Team must be 14 years of age BEFORE January 1 of current year in order to compete in the Denver Western Roundup per Denver’s rules.
  • Six classes of consumer products/services will be judged during this contest.
  • Junior and Senior participants will have a questions class in which they will take notes on a class and recall facts about the items in a class. Juniors can use their notes for the questions class, while seniors will be allowed time to review their notes but are not allowed to use them.


Sample Classes:

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