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4-H Youth Development

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Music Contest Roundup 2024



  • Counties are limited to a total of SIX (6) entries
  • All entries are solo entries only
  • There will be THREE categories:
    • Vocal Performance
    • Original Composition
    • Live Performance
  • There will be TWO age divisions in each category
    • Vocal Performance – Junior (grades 7-9) and Senior (grades 10-12)
    • Original Composition -Junior (grades 7-9) and Senior (grades 10-12)
    • Live Performance -Junior (grades 7-9) and Senior (grades 10-12)
  • Live instrumental accompaniment by contestants will be accepted in original compositionand live performance
  • Registration is due in the State 4-H Office with Roundup registration by June 1. The songentered on the registration form must be the song performed.
  • Contestants will be judged on vocal ability, stage presence, originality and musicality. Noprops or costumes will be allowed.
  • Awards will be give to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in both age divisions.
  • The live performance category is for contestants who play instruments while they performa cover song vocally (ie guitar, piano, banjo, etc. to accompany the vocal performance).4-H will not be responsible for loss or damage to any instruments brought to Roundup.
  • Contestants in the original composition category must perform a song that he/she wrote either acapella or with live instrumental music played by the contestant
  • Music Contest Additional Information
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