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4-H Youth Development

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Fashion Review Contest Roundup 2024



  • Develop leadership abilities by demonstrating maturity, dependability, and responsibility
  • Exhibit skill in selecting appropriate fabric, patterns, and notions in order to construct a garment which meets high quality standards
  • Become aware of appropriate accessories, good posture and grooming habits and to use that knowledge to display poise and neatness in appearance



  1. Youth must have completed the 7th grade by July 1st to attend Roundup.
    State Fashion Revue delegates must participate in all phases of the State Fashion Revue activity.
  2. State Fashion Revue participants must be Roundup delegates. Garments exhibited in the
  3. State Fashion Revue must meet state fair guidelines and should have been exhibited in a county level contest.
  4. Fashion Revue delegates will receive two scores. They are:
    * Construction evaluation - 60% * Modeling/presentation evaluation - 40%
  5. Participants may wear accessories, such as hand-made or ready-to-wear sweaters and blouses, when they are part of a two-or three-piece suit.
  6. Contestants should enter only garments which will be worn in the competition. For example, a delegate may enter a blazer and pants OR skirt, NOT a blazer, pants, and skirt.
  7. Garments worn to school, church, and recreational activities are appropriate Fashion Revue entries.
  8. According to the number of entries, the Top five (5) or three (3) delegates (based on scores) will be recognized at the completion of the Fashion Revue Event. If a regional or national opportunity to participate in a Fashion Revue activity might occur, these youth (based on their score) will be given priority consideration for participation.
  9. Delegates placing in the top five (5) may enter the Fashion Revue another year.

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