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4-H Youth Development

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ATV Safety Contest 2024 State 4-H 



Targeted life skills: Decision making, communication and personal safety.

  • Opportunity will be provided for faculty to share information about related college degree programs in
  • Ag Systems Technology Management and career options such as: communications specialists, public relations specialists, agricultural science teachers, and county Extension educators.
  • To stimulate a more active interest in ATV safety.
  • To encourage further reading, study, and discussion on ATV safety, and to strengthen the    4-H ATV Safety Program.
  • To stimulate community, county, district, and state action programs for the promotion of ATV safety and the prevention of ATV accidents.


General Rules

  1. Each county will enter as individuals no teams.
  2. As a safety precaution, all contestants will be REQUIRED to wear long sleeve shirts, long pants (preferably denim), and boots. Tennis shoes WILL NOT be allowed. Must wear western style boot, hiking or work boots. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  3. Helmets, gloves and eye protection will be provided for wear during the riding portion of the competition. Contestants are encouraged to bring their own should they own a helmet, gloves or eye protection.
  4. The contestant with the lowest score will win.
  5. Any contestant demonstrating unsafe riding skills will be stopped immediately and given 200 penalty points.
  6. Due to the nature of the contest all contestants must have completed an ATV Safety Institute "ATV Safety E-Course and Riders Course" and have the certificate number prior to the activity.



Eligibility to compete in the contest is open to 4-H members who are eligible to participate in State 4-H Roundup, have completed an ASI ATV Safety E Course and Rider Course and whose name is entered by his or her county Extension educator.


Additional Information

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