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4-H Youth Development

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The New Mexico Senior Leadership Retreat is an exciting opportunity for Oklahoma youth to participate in leadership workshops, career exploration field trips, cultural tours and network with 4-H youth from New Mexico. This year, we will be traveling to Las Cruces, New Mexico and are making plans to see Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands National Park along the way.  Cost of the trip will be $900 for youth participants. Additionally, there will be lots of opportunities to make new friends, participate in community service programs, dance, play games and have fun!  As NMSLR provides different opportunities each year, we are going to allow participants who previously attended to return, if space allows.  We are also seeking adults (volunteers or Educators) who would like to serve as chaperones on the trip. This trip will happen January 18-22, 2024 and registration is due November 17th to the State 4-H Office.  


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