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4-H Youth Development

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  • Club Management 
    • Chartered Clubs - Managing club records in 4HOnline, including definitions of club status.
    • Club Leader/Volunteer - Access to Club Enrollment Information - County Educator/staff guide for setting up permissions.
    • 4-H Volunteer - Accessing Club Enrollment Information - Instruction for the 4-H volunteer once permission is granted to access club enrollment information.
  • Communication
    • Uploading Newsletters
    • Uploading Shared Files
    • Member Notes or Messages on Individuals Profile
    • Quick Email/Campaign Set up 
    • Building/Uploading Contact List 
  • Enrollment - Youth and Adult 
    • Creating a Family Profile - county use
    • YOUTH Online Enrollment
    • YOUTH Paper Enrollment
    • ADULT Re-enrollment
    • NEW & Re-Certification Enrollment for Adult


    • Background Check - Sterling Volunteer Users Guide
      4-H Youth Development Background Check - FAQ
    • Returning Enrollment - Sending Messages
    • Supplement Letter- Program Fee Payment Reminder 
    • Deleting or Merging Families/Members - Managing Duplicates and eliminating or merging families and members. Managing duplicates.
    • Moving a Member Profile to a Different Family
    • Password Reset by the County - How the Extension Office can reset a family password
    • Archived Member - re-activating and archiving members
  • Family Information 
    • Running Member Reports
    • Password Reset - Designed as a client help sheet.
    • 4-H Family - Online Enrollment - instructions for creating a Family Profile. Designed as a client help sheet.
    • Setting Family Profile Password 
  • Fees - 4-H Program Fee Management
  • General Systems Management
    • Delivery Modes - Definitions
    • School - Adding and Editing
    • Management Roles Defined
    • Multi-Manager Login NEW
  • Groups and Group Enrollment
    • Entering Group Enrollment - Group enrollment includes school enrichment, special interest/short term programming, day camps, overnight camps, county events/activities such as county speech contest, county judging contests, etc.  All youth "educational" programming conducted by OCES is reported under group enrollment.  Master Gardner's, Ag Educators and FCS Educators doing youth programming will report the educational hours and youth reached.  The county will not enter EFNEP/CNEP numbers.  This will be done at the state level.

    • Group Enrollment Form - The form is an Excel spread sheet which will print as three pages. Create one spread sheet for each teacher/volunteer/agency. If repeat programs done with the teacher or group use the same spreadsheet and record the information for the second program on tab two, three and four respectively. The sheet can be started by the educator (teachers name, address, date, etc.) and printed as a three page document to be handed to the teacher for demographics. All information will be transferred into 4HOnline Group Enrollment.

    • Groups When to Add and How to Manage - The primary reason for using this feature is to "communicate" with a group of people. The secondary reason is that a "Group" must exist to enter a "Group Enrollment." The state/district has already generated an extensive list of "Groups" which will meet the county needs. Just because the "Level" on the master list says STATE or DISTRICT does not mean it will not be reported as a county level event. The Level (state and district) just means the group name was generated at the state or district level.

    • existing groups - before creating a county group.
      When there is a need to create a county group, it MUST be connected to the appropriate "Parent" or state/district level group. Example:
      Workshop: ELECTRIC LAMP

      "Workshop" in the name is the "parent" group and "ELECTRIC LAMP" is the county's name for the workshop.  Again, the only reason to create this type of group is if the county needs to communicate with the participants, otherwise the county can use "Workshop" on the existing master list to report the workshop numbers under Group Enrollment.

      There will be those occasions when someone needs to be part of a group, yet they are not a member (youth or adult) recorded in 4HOnline. These individuals will be entered as a contact and then they can be associated with a group and receive communications.
  • Record Management 
    • Managing Activities - Why Use this Feature? – Simple way to manage attendance/participation when an “activity” should/could” be part of an individual’s enrollment record. Activities can only be recorded for youth and adult members with a profile. Continue to match activities to the Parent/master list of state and district Groups. Reminder - Activities do not count toward the Federal ES237 report but may be a very necessary part of the county 4-H program.

    Reason a county would use this feature:

    • Record participation in activities and events – Camp, Public Speaking Contest, Food Showdown, Roundup, District Leadership Conference, etc.
      Track participation for awards/rewards
    • Track attendance at PVA/Leaders meetings, club meetings, etc.
      All counties should be tracking attendance at PVA meetings for club management (annual charter renewal) and volunteer certification expectations.


    • Managing Training -Training records are not linked to the Federal ES237. Training can be added to any member (youth and volunteer) or contact’s profile. Training is linked to the enrollment/program year. The year will be reflected in the individual’s profile.
    • Signing Up for ZSuite Training - Help sheet for volunteers/members.
    • Trainings - Master list of trainings, with descriptions, listed in ZSuite.
  • Rollover

    Preparing for the end of the enrollment year (rollover) and re-enrollment.

    • What Happens at Rollover? - Making sure data is clean and accurate before it becomes locked and cannot be edited after rollover.
    • Definitions of Member Enrollment Status - Variety of reports to help the county find data problems. Definitions to assist the county in understanding the various enrollment statuses.
    • Reports for Checking Data prior to Rollover - Assorted reports and screen shot of their location.  Brief explanation of Quick Export reports.
  •  Z-Suites Marketing Materials
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