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4-H Youth Development

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The Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) organization is dedicated to fostering standards of excellence in the Extension System and developing the Extension profession and professionals. It is time to start for you to be recognized for your accomplishments and dedication to OSU Extension.


Join Today!

ESP Membership Form

Epsilon Sigma Phi National Website


Your Key to Professional Excellence

Epsilon Sigma Phi, the National Honorary Extension Fraternity, was founded in 1927.


The organization unites all Cooperative Extension Service professionals and retirees to:

  • Build support for the Cooperative Extension System
  • Promote and secure resources which will enhance professionalism
  • Develop a spirit of fellowship and develop effective working relationships


Increase Your Professional Value

  • Improve skills as an educator/presenter/leader
  • Enhance leadership abilities through committee membership and professional development opportunities at local, regional, and national levels.
  • Share experience, expertise, and scholarly activity
  • Expand network of colleagues and resources


Your Unique ESP Benefits Package

  • Professional Scholarships
  • Mini-grants
  • Recognition Program-State, Regional, National
  • Partnerships with JCEP and CSREES-USDA
  • Retiree and Life Member Support through Legislative Activities
  • Quarterly ESP Connection Newsletter


Invest in Yourself, Your Career, and Your Profession

  • Explore state and national leadership opportunities
  • Showcase model programs at local, regional, and national conferences
  • Promote the Cooperative Extension System
  • Mentor and Network with colleagues


2022-2023 Epsilon Sigma Phi - Omicron Chapter

President: Cathy Allen

Secretary: Greg Owen

Treasurer: Cathleen Taylor

Campus Rep: Kevin Allen

Past President: Lynda Latta

West District Rep: Arleen James

North East District Rep: Donna Patterson

South East District Rep: Megan Anderson

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