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4-H Youth Development

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From the Farm Gate to Your Plate, the Farm Bill Affects Us All


The process of getting food from the farm gate to your plate is complex! Every five years, a piece of legislation is passed that is commonly called the Farm Bill. Originally started in the Dust Bowl, the first Farm Bill was The Agricultural Act of 1933. It helped agricultural commodity markets by offering financial support to farmers. Today, this bill provides risk protection to food producers, finds new markets for excess agricultural production, enhances conservation, and gets food to risk insecure individuals.

This five-lesson online curriculum for youth in 7th to 12th grades is designed to inform youth about key milestones of the farm bill and how it is affects farmers, ranchers and rural families today.


EnroLl today


As a thank you for your participation and feedback, we are offering a drawing for two sets of Apple Airpods and four $50 Visa gift cards! (Students and teachers/helpers are eligible!)

To enter, complete the lessons and evaluation survey by November 30, 2021!


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