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4-H Youth Development

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Want to join a 4-H club?  Just follow these simple steps:


Step 1. Find a club in your area by clicking the "Join 4-H" button below and visit the website for your county's OSU Extension office for contact information. Or, if you know of a 4-H club in your area, contact one of the members or leaders. They will invite you and your family to a club meeting so you can learn more. Membership is open year round.


Step 2. Visit a monthly meeting of your local club. Contact your local county Extension office to find a club near you!



Step 3. Let the club leader know your family wants to become a 4-H family. The leader will give you an enrollment form to fill out and help you select projects. Parents may have the opportunity to help by leading a project group or assisting in some other way.

Join 4-H 4-H Rules and Guidelines


The 4-H Pledge

I Pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger
service, and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my


Promese 4-H

Prometo usar mi mente para pensar con más claridad, mi corazón para ser más leal, mis manos para ser más servicial, mi salud para cuidarme más, por mi club, mi comunidad, mi país y mi mundo.

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